The House Where Charlie Lived by Clint Miller Jr.

I’m the slowest reader of all time. My “to read” list is backed up with books, blogs, magazines, and of course, comic books. There’s no way I’d ever make it through a Stephen King novel. Fortunately, Clint Miller Jrs., The House Where Charlie Lived, is a quite manageable 222 pages.

This month for the Halloween Countdown, I’ll be recommending and reviewing books that involve horror, ghosts, or the Jersey Devil and are also inspired by New Jersey or written by an author from The Garden State. It doesn’t sound like there would be many books that fall into the previously described category, but many of them do actually exist. The first one that I DUG UP, (ahh I’m a sucker for lame Halloween jokes – call me the male version of Elvira) is by NJ native Clint Miller Jr. Inspired by true events, The House Where Charlie Lived is available now and seems like it will be a great read for me during this Halloween season.
I had the chance to meet Clint Miller Jr. at a book signing at my new favorite store that is not Amazon: Paranormal Books and Curiosities in Asbury Park, NJ. Miller was ego free and seemed like a regular dude, not some snobby writer. That’s the way it is here in New Jersey. Our new state slogan: “Snobby writer free in Jerzee.” Miller was breezy as he discussed the book with me, as well as his Jersey roots.

The eerie cover of Miller’s book intrigued me as the gravitational pull magnetized me to it. Just a glance at the cover art will send chills down your spine. Visit the book’s official website and read the teaser, I guarantee you’ll ask when the movie version is coming out.

In 1963, a quiet seashore community becomes the focus of an intense police dragnet when Thomas Lepp gunned down three New Jersey state troopers. Artis Weyland, inspector with the High Crimes Division, leads the manhunt for Thomas Lepp, a psychopathic man suspected of brutally killing his wife, Emma, and her son Charlie.

The police have a hard time identifying Emma – her body has been chopped to pieces. They never find her head. Her young son, Charlie, is never found at all.

Nearly 40 years later, Allen and Jennifer Cherones, along with their son, Carl, have purchased a two-story house through their good friend and realtor, Ronald Avery. To help fix it up, Allen turns to his brother, Doug, and together the three set out to turn it into a dream home.

What seems like a deal to good to be true turns into a real nightmare for the family. They seek the help of their new neighbors, Dorothy and Roger Faustine, who help them unravel the home’s bloody past.

When the ghostly threat becomes all too deadly, the family realizes the former residents of this house have never left and are now looking to reclaim it. Now the Cherones’ young boy, Carl, is placed in imminent danger as Thomas Lepp returns to finish his dark deed.
Looks like I have another one to add to my list…