Just last week a new Muscle Maker Grill opened in Warren, NJ and The Sexy Armpit was lucky enough to get an invite to their celebration. The original location in Colonia, NJ provided me with many awesome meals and snacks throughout the years, but I haven’t been to another one of their locations until now. For me, the best part about Muscle Maker is that none of the food ever tastes processed or frozen, it all has that fresh, home made taste. And at the risk of sounding like a commercial, it’s good for you too!
I stuck with my favorite item on the menu, The Rocky Balboa Wrap, which you will never go wrong with since it’s packed with grilled chicken, turkey meatballs, low-fat mozzarella, and marinara sauce. I had a side of broccoli and I was also tempted to order an appetizer of the Honey BBQ Chicken nuggets but I didn’t want to be a gavone. That all went to shit when I caved in and ordered a Chocolate Banana protein shake. It sounded like a good idea at first, but I didn’t realize it was going to be delivered to our table in what looked like a half gallon cup! I did what any red blooded American male would do in a situation like this…I cleaned my plate and downed the entire protein shake like it was nobody’s business. Miss Armpit opted for the European Wrap which consisted of grilled chicken breast, spinach, and roasted peppers in an herb tortilla. She also had the cucumber salad on the side. It was her first time ordering that specific wrap and they were both delicious according to her.
The brand new Warren location is one of the sleekest Muscle Makers in Jersey. From the flat screen TV’s on the walls to the expanded seating area, this is a fine place to eat your meal in. If you’re in a hurry you can order take out or call to have your food delivered! If you haven’t been to a Muscle Maker yet, check their official site for the location nearest you. New locations are popping up all the time, and they aren’t only in Jersey, they also have locations in New York and Florida too.
In 1995 the mastermind behind Muscle Maker Grill, Rod Silva, was operating a protein smoothie shop in Colonia, NJ where customers were noticing how great the food smelled that he brought in for his lunch and dinner frequently. Eventually, after getting many requests to actually BUY his food, he started making meals and selling them to customers, and so the Muscle Maker Grill became a reality. Muscle Maker’s innovative cuisine focuses on serving healthy meals for those with an active lifestyle as well as folks who don’t want to down a greasy burger made from who knows what. They make sure the meat is lean, the dressings and sauces are all low-cal, and the cheese is reduced fat. If you aren’t one to read food labels this all might sound horrid to you, but this food is incredible and it WILL make you doubt that you are eating healthy.