In this post I’m not just urging you to start downloading and listening to podcasts in general if you don’t already, I’m urging you to listen to one episode specifically.
Last week I sat in the “4th chair” as a guest host on the Nerd Lunch Podcast. I’ve been on the Nerd Lunch Podcast many times before and I enjoy it so much that I look forward to going back on whenever they ask me. Am I saying this post is a way to eke out a few more listeners? Absolutely.
So go to iTunes or directly to www.NerdLunch.net and listen to Episode 99 where we formulate the casts of two Expendables types of films. First we come up with the ensemble cast for an all star Nerd/Geek/Hacker type of team and then we pick our dream team of cartoon voices. If you listen, feel free to yell directly at your iPod and shout out your choices while shitting on ours. It will be fun and interactive.
As an added bonus you can hear me pretend to be like a geek version of Eminem as I deliver, in the words of host C.T, “the greatest Nerd Lunch rap you’ll ever hear.” Their next show will be their 100th episode celebration so I wanted to prepare a special gift for them in a Cousin Eddie fashion and they really got a kick out of it.
What is this podcast challenge all about? Well, next week I’m going to make an attempt to listen to 5 podcasts that I’ve never listened to before or subscribed to and I’ll come back to you with the results after I’m done. Feel free to join in and do the same if you are so inclined! If you’d like to join in, try out 5 podcasts that you’ve never listened to before and tell us about them in an upcoming post.