A southern New Jersey coal mine is represented in the movie Zoolander. This movie is chock full of comedic gold and the fact that one of the funniest scenes takes place in New Jersey just makes it funnier, and even more pathetic!
Just before Derek Zoolander decides to leave the modeling firm, Maury Ballstein explains to Derek how hot Mugatu is: “Right now this guy is so hot he can take a crap, wrap it in tin foil, put a couple of fish hooks on it, and sell to Queen Elizabeth as earrings.”
DEREK: “I’m going back home. I need to get in touch with my roots…figure out who I am…see ya around Maury”Derek’s coal mining family (Pop, Luke, and Scrappy) are played by Jon Voight, Vince Vaughn, and Judah Freelander. They’re noticeably surprised at the sight of their long lost brother, or just by the hideous snakeskin suit he’s wearing! What follows is an absurdly funny montage to the tune of Loverboy’s “Working For The Weekend.”