Purple Stuff Podcast: DICK TRACY!


After Batman was released in 1989, movie studios were scrambling to have their own superhero at the helm. One of them didn’t wear a cape but rather a yellow trenchcoat. We’re talking about DICK TRACY! The colorful comic book film was a throwback to an era that many of us were largely unfamiliar with as kids, but that just made it all the more interesting. While it’s pretty obvious that having a cool communicator watch may not have been as cool as a Batmobile, grappling gun, or an entire utility belt’s worth of gadgets, in the new episode of the Purple Stuff Podcast, we’ll explore a ton of other high points that spawned from the Dick Tracy movie. Dinosaur Dracula and I trade our memories of the movie, some of our favorite quotes and impressions, and also delve into the awesome action figure line from Playmates. Check this episode out to celebrate the 30th anniversary of a film that left an indelible mark (made up of Tommy Gun Bullets) on our childhood!

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Purple Stuff Podcast Episode 29: 1990!


Fresh off of our insane journey for Ecto Cooler, we’re going back in time again on The Purple Stuff Podcast!

Episode 29 has Matt and I talking about all of our favorite stuff that happened in 1990. Sometimes, as we do the year themed shows, it winds up being either really difficult to come up with a decent list, or super easy. In this case, 1990 was pretty much a breeze, and I can honestly say that we had a lot fun with this episode as we do with most of them.

Join us as we roll through some of the notable movies, TV shows, music videos, and commercials from 26 years ago. It’s got everything from elaborate paper replicas of wooden ships from Super Mario 3 all the way to shaving zig-zags into my head to be like Vanilla Ice. This is one for the books, I’m tellin’ ya!

Thanks to everyone who has listened to the podcast and supported the show. Without everyone enjoying it and interacting with us about it on social media, there’s no point in doing it, so thank you all! As of right now, the best thing you could do to support the show is subscribe on iTunes and leave us a positive review, that would be awesome. In the mean time, enjoy our latest episode at the link above or on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and now the Google Play Store!