The Dirty Pearls Scavenger Hunt


Fans of NYC rockers The Dirty Pearls have the chance to win tickets to see their next live show on 12/9 at The Gramercy Theater! Watch the video above for “Who’s Coming Back To Who?” (look for the Where’s Waldo style cameos by The Sexy Armpit) which will help you answer the questions below. Only the real fans of The Dirty Pearls will be able to get the answers to these! Winner will be chosen on 11/16.

E-mail your answers to

1. What exact time does lead actor Jasin Cadic meet and shake hands with Kelle Calco?
2. How many bottles are on the coffee table?
3. What color is the phone that Breedlove is on?
4. Which shoulder does Tommy London have his dead Elvis tattoo on?
5. How many times does lead actor Jasin Cadic tap Jeanine Moss on her shoulder to get her attention?
6. What exact time does Brian Newman put out his cigarette?
7. Who ended up coming back to who?