Trixter Rocks Dexter’s in Riverdale, New Jersey!


I wasn’t about to travel to Pryor Creek, Oklahoma this past summer just to see a few boys from Paramus, New Jersey known as Trixter perform. For years, myself and many other fans of pop metal or the most insulting, heart wrenching adjective I can think of…hairbands, have been waiting patiently hoping that Trixter would reunite. Sure we’ve seen Warrant reunite with Jani Lane several thousand times, (FYI, Robert Mason is now lead singer) but what about Trixter? Steve (Stereo Fallout) and P.J (Ra) were in the successful local cover band Sugarbelly for years and they also released an extremely underrated CD as 40 Foot Ringo. Pete Loran and Mark “Gus” Scott haven’t been on the scene in quite some time, until now! It turns out that I didn’t have to head to Oklahoma to see a Trixter reunion after all!

On Friday, November 28th, all the original members of Trixter played their first show in New Jersey in over 13 years! Dexter’s Entertainment Complex in Riverdale was jammed and I could barely find parking. I’ve never been to Dexter’s so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I pulled into the lot and I thought I was Christmas shopping at the mall! After near endless attempts at finding a spot, I finally got one and made my way inside. I caught TNA’s performance which wasn’t bad. As TNA’s set came to an end, the place started filling up fast and I found myself getting moved closer to the stage.  

At around midnight, Trixter took the stage. It was a cool moment and I’m glad I got to be there. They tore through all of their staple songs like “One in a Million,” “Surrender,” and of course, ended their set with “Give it to Me Good.” If you’re into glam metal or hairbands and you’ve never listened to Trixter, then you definitely need to. “Heart of Steel” and “Bad Girl” are a couple of personal favorites. Also, their 1992 album Hear! features a slew of great songs that went criminally unnoticed. Trixter veers toward the poppier side of the genre much like Poison does, but Trixter’s musicianship and knack for upbeat pop is undeniable. The band has expressed their interest in recording a new album, and if that happens, I see it making more of an impact than many of the other hairbands enjoying this under the radar renaissance.


New Jersey’s Great Pop Culture Moments Vol.14: Nada Surf’s Popular Video filmed at Bayonne High School

The summer of ’96 saw N.J’s Bayonne High School make national headlines when rock band Nada Surf filmed their “Popular” video there. Popular is a track from their debut album High/Low produced by Ric Okasek featuring lyrics ripped from the pages of Penny’s Guide to Teen-Age Charm and Popularity (Gloria Winters 1964). The video featured some actual Bayonne High Cheerleaders, and several scenes where the B.H.S football team hits the showers, leering at each other.

After the video was a hit on MTV, Bayonne High publicly announced how offended they were and claimed that the video made their football team out to be gay. God forbid anything’s ever said about a high school football team. I can’t speak for other states, but in N.J high schools, football players are the golden children. They’re basically exempt from ever getting in serious trouble, and many of them get passed through classes they have no chance of ever passing. So take that football players! I busted my ass in high school while I personally knew players who didn’t put in half the effort I did, got horrible grades, and still passed with no problems. It’s looked at as if the players are doing the school a favor so the school pays it back.

The primadonnas who ran Bayonne High School 12 years ago couldn’t take a friggin’ joke. I bet this Nada Surf video is their biggest claim to fame. B.H.S’ case is irrelevant because we’re bound to notice a bit of homoeroticism anytime we’re shown scenes depicting male athletes showering together. It’s universal, not just in New Jersey. Nada Surf rebutted by explaining that the video wasn’t meant to poke fun at the football players and that the video actually maintained a heterosexual vibe. Leave it to a school system in N.J to come out with such a ridiculous claim. Can’t we take a damn joke? Many of the employees in N.J’s various educational systems (ASIDE FROM THE HARDWORKING TEACHERS!) are paranoid, corrupt, fogeys. If they had any reserves about filming a sarcastic rock video at their school, they shouldn’t have let them film there in the first place!

Barack’s in Bed with NJ: Mattress May Be Made in Jersey

Like several Presidents before him, President Elect Barack Obama may choose a mattress from Shifman Mattress Co. in Newark N.J. According to this article, their luxury mattresses range in price from $3,500 – $21,000. I find that amusing considering I’ve been sleeping on the same shitty Sleepy’s mattress for the last 7 years.

The Wrestler starring Mickey Rourke filmed in New Jersey

In The Wrestler, starring Mickey Rourke, it seems that Marisa Tomei plays a stripper. I’m a big fan of her recent renaissance as an on screen sexpot. Anytime Marisa Tomei is nude or partially nude is a good thing (see Until The Devil Knows Your Dead). I’ve pondered how incredible she looked under those clothes since I was a kid watching A Different World and now I wonder no more. How does this work into The Sexy Armpit you say? Some scenes in The Wrestler were filmed in New Jersey and a new Bruce Springsteen track is featured in the closing credits.

New Jersey’s Great Pop Culture Moments Vol.13: Paramus on Venkman’s Show in Ghostbusters 2

Let’s join Peter Venkman’s TV show World of the Psychic already in progress…

Elaine, now you had another date in mind…
According to my source, the end of the world will be on February 14th in the year 2016.



Valentine’s Day…bummer. Where’d you get your date Elaine?
I received this information from an alien. As I told my husband, it was in the Paramus Holiday Inn. I was having a drink at the bar, alone, and this alien approached me, he started talking to me, he bought me a drink, and then…I think he must’ve used some kind of a ray or a mind control device because he forced me to follow him to his room and that’s where…he told me about the end of the world.

…So your alien had a room at the Holiday Inn, Paramus?
It might have been a room on the spacecraft made up to look like a room at the Holiday Inn. I can’t be sure about that Peter.
Of course not, and that is the whole problem with aliens, you just can’t trust ’em. Occassionally you meet a nice one…Starman, E.T, but usually they turn out to be some kind of big lizard!

Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree is from New Jersey!

This year’s 8-ton Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree is from Hamilton, New Jersey! Jeez,the tree is going up already? Seriously? I’m still reeling from Halloween! How The Grinch Stole Christmas and The Wizard of Oz aired on TBS last night. I’m not prepared. I guess it’s time to kick my Christmas spirit into gear.

Jersey City Councilman Urinates on Audience at Grateful Dead Concert

A drunken Jersey City Councilman Steve Lipski urinated on the audience from the balcony at a Grateful Dead concert in Washington D.C on November 7th. Lipski says he’s going to stop drinking and that he considers what he did “deeply humiliating, very embarrassing” and “troubling.” Click the link above for the amusing story, one that we can add to all the other factual yet defamatory stories involving dumbass politicians from New Jersey.

Atomic Food Containers – Perfect for Leftover Eaters in New Jersey


You know those catalogs that come in the mail that feature every variation of the leg lamp from A Christmas Story? It turns out that the What On Earth catalog is one of them. They also feature a whole lot of other junk you’ll probably never use, but sure looks damn cool while you’re thumbing through the catalog. Doesn’t everyone need a silky Rocky Balboa robe just like the one he walked to the ring in? You can recreate his bout against Clubber Lang only in a much crappier way. Your bed can be the ring and your pillow can be Clubber Lang. (Not that I’ve ever had any experiences similar to that or anything, I’m just saying) I don’t think “boxing buddies” ever existed to compete with “wrestling buddies,” but if they did I would buy up an army of Clubber Lang’s. I like my pillow replicas of boxers to be pretty badass what can I say? He pillows the fool.
After that arduous exhibition bout against Clubber Lang, you’re sure to work up a fierce appetite. Time to make a masculine, easy to prepare, yet satisfying meal such as chili. What should you do with the huge 20 gallon vat of chili sitting on the stove that you don’t want to throw away? Well, if you happen to live in New Jersey then these Atomic Food Containers are perfect to store your leftovers while managing to be tongue in cheek at the same time. How many Tupperware do you own at this second that you can say have a sense of humor? I know for a fact that none of my containers have any personality whatsoever. If you really want to let your wife know that her cooking sucks more than Peg Bundy’s, then these may just be the way to go. Although you might want to present her with them BEFORE the holidays that way you don’t have to experience her “raisin liverwurst surprise upside down cake.”
What On Earth doesn’t sponsor this site, but I thought these were bizarre and appropriate enough to mention regardless. The set of 3 containers feature these labels: Nuclear Waste – Eat and Glow. Biodangerous – Yesterday’s Leftovers. Experimental Meal – Consume at Own Risk.

Bruce Springsteen FREE Halloween Track: “A Night With The Jersey Devil”

Erick at Wonderful Wonderblog brought to my attention that Bruce Springsteen is offering a Halloween treat for us all at his website! It’s a FREE track called “A Night With The Jersey Devil” How cool is that? And after the song link, Bruce explains why he’s not having his annual halloween display this year.

The Following is quoted directly from the official

“Dear Friends and Fans,If you grew up in central or south Jersey, you grew up with the “Jersey Devil.” Here’s a little musical Halloween treat. Have fun! Bruce Springsteen”A Night With The Jersey Devil”: Free Audio Download

“To our friends and neighbors: So as not to inconvenience you this Halloween, due to “catastrophic success” (read: too many visitors for the neighborhood to handle) and concern for the safety of kids and parents! we won’t be having our usual Halloween display this year in Rumson.We wish everyone a safe and Happy Halloween!Thanks,Bruce and Patti”