NJ T-Shirt Tuesday 55: We’re Greater Than You!

New Jersey is Greater Than You T-Shirt
Solving mathematical equations is not a quality I look for in a t-shirt, but I’ll make an exception for this one. This tee is truly one for all the Jersey mathlete’s out there, as it blatantly points out that New Jersey is “greater than” YOU! Greater than, less than, or equal to was one of the shining moments in my academic career. Once fractions, square roots, and algebra came into play I was in dire straits so I’m glad the creator of the shirt chose a concept even I could grasp.
My girlfriend snapped a shot of this tee but I couldn’t seem to find it anywhere on the Internet. There is a slew of t-shirts that feature the “_____ is better than you” slogan, but use the greater than symbol which makes no sense.

Rahway Redemption #2: Ocean’s 11


NJ’s very own Arkham Asylum, East Jersey State Prison, 
or as it was referred to for the majority of my life: Rahway Prison

With so many great films, TV shows, and mentions in popular culture, it’s easy to forget that the place pictured above actually houses criminals and not actors, cameras, and boom mics. Even if you aren’t from Jersey, chances are, you’ve seen or heard of Rahway Prison before. Maybe you knew it back when it was actually called Rahway Prison, before the people of Rahway, NJ disowned it and declared that it was technically in the neighboring town of Avenel, NJ, despite it’s mailing address. Finally, as they did with Newark Airport (now the fancy Liberty International), New Jersey’s balls dropped off and renamed the building East Jersey State Prison. And in yet another silly name change it became North Jersey State Prison for possibly it’s most high profile and memorable appearance thus far – the beginning of 2001’s Oceans 11.

If ever there was a film that did not need a sequel, it was Steven Soderbegh’s Oceans 11. If you’ve seen a Vegas heist film, you’ve pretty much seen them all, but I wouldn’t switch the channel if this was on cable. While nobody can come close to the Rat Pack, Clooney and Pitt’s fantastic chemistry makes the entire series worthwhile. Bare in mind that we wouldn’t have been able to enjoy the duo’s quirky partnership if Danny Ocean had not been granted his release from East Jersey State Prison. Something about this building is incredibly ominous. Even though I pass the prison frequently, on film it looks even more intimidating.

A scruffy, overdressed, fresh out of jail Danny Ocean
Rusty, who is perpetually devouring food, will most likely hit up a local establishment
for a pork roll, egg, and cheese sandwich, then head into traffic and catch some good ol’ fashioned Jersey road rage!     

Ad Jerseum 8: Dear Philly

Ad Jerseum: So much Jersey advertising it’ll make you vomit!


Dear Philadelphia,

While on a recent NJ Transit train coming back from Penn Station in New York, I noticed this snarky little tourism ad in a poster case at one of the platforms. At first I grew a little defensive (“eh-oh…oh-eh” oh wait, that was Brooklyn) but then I realized to myself, “Hey self, this ad is pretty damn effective!” But don’t think for a second that it makes me want to run out to my car and drive to Philadelphia. The rest of this letter is left in your hands. I’ll lay it out nice and simple – you’ve got two options. There’s the truth, or there is nothing but outright lies.
I DON’T hate Philly. How can anyone possibly hate Philly? It’s the greatest city in the world! I can’t think of a better place to travel than the city where Rocky Balboa hails from. Do you know how many goofy pictures wives take of their husbands running up those stairs?!?! Forget that, what about the good eats? Philly offers one of the most healthy sandwich options, the cheesesteak, which easily puts that doucher Jared and his beloved Subway to shame. Think of all the weight you can lose if you only eat cheesesteaks everyday! And finally, Philly is home to the most famous crack in the world, perhaps even more well known than the butt crack, the crack on the Liberty Bell! Where else would one go to get their fill of brotherly love? Or SOUL? The Philadelphia Soul that is! Everyone knows arena football rocks compared to that second rate sport, REAL football. Walt Whitman bridge, here I come!
I’m definitely not one of those Jerseyans who hates Philadelphia, but I do have my reservations about it. When I was a kid, aside from it’s historical aspect, all I knew of Philly is that the Fresh Prince of Bel Air grew up in West Philadelphia where he chilled, maxed and relaxed (all cool), and shot some b-ball outside of the school. Oh, and there was that song by New Jersey’s icon Bruce Springsteen “Streets of Philadelphia,”from the film Philadelphia. Bruce singing about Philly didn’t bother me as much as the fact that so many people from South Jersey root for Philly teams. When I notice Jersey people getting hardcore for the Eagles, Phillies, and the Flyers, it makes my skin crawl. There’s so many bars in South and the Western side Jersey that are fully adorned with Eagles paraphenalia, and Philly teams are simply considered “the home team.” Add that to the terrible Pennsylvania accent that many South Jersey people have adopted and you can stop wondering why I do not visit Philly.
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is one of my favorite shows, but who cares, FLIP YOU PHILADELPHIA! And water ice? What the hell is that all about? It’s Italian ice! F-ck off water ice! Nobody cares about you, you don’t even exist to me. You were made up so Philly can brag about having something tasty to eat besides grizzly, artery clogging cheesesteaks. And Jon Bon Jovi’s Soul charity only helps less fortunate families in Philly because he wouldn’t last a second walking around with a film crew kissing his ass in Paterson or Camden NJ.
While creative and offbeat, this ad is merely a feeble attempt at conning Jerseyans into visiting Philly! OK, maybe some of the folks in this state aren’t the brightest in the bunch, but you think using familiar terms like “yous” is going to entice the guidos to hit up all the clubs in Philly? What would they do there? Philly is no place for fist pumpers. Why would you even want them there anyway?


The Sexy Armpit

Strip Monopoly is Fun and Entertaining

Monopoly is said to be the most played board game in the world. I’m sure there are still at least a few folks out there who have no idea that many of the streets and a couple of the railroad lines on the classic Monopoly board were named after ones that actually existed in Atlantic City during the time the game was conceived in the 1930’s. Many of the streets are still there, so the next time you go to A.C and you blow all your cash, you can then take your own Monopoly driving tour for FREE! Just a word to the wise – don’t pull a Clark Griswold and ask a random stranger to give you directions back onto the Expressway. That’s a bad move.

In honor of the new Monopoly header that I made, here’s a clip of a game of Strip Monopoly – the version not endorsed by Hasbro. Monopoly does tend to get a little boring after you’ve been playing for 3 1/2 hours and no one has gone bankrupt yet, so why not spice it up a bit? Maybe getting stuck in this jail won’t be so bad! Remember to wear a thimble though!

A Sexy Game of Strip Monopoly by Liv FilmsMore amazing videos are a click away

Rules of Strip Monopoly
Hasbro’s Official Monopoly Website

Worst Drivers in America: NJ Takes 2nd Place!

new jersey,driving,turnpike

It was to be expected. New Jersey strives to make the top 5 of lists like this year after year. Coming in 2nd place in GMAC’s Worst Drivers in America report, is a loss in our eyes. We didn’t invent road rage to be in a crappy 2nd place.

Why do cable networks continue to create shows based in NJ about salons and guidos when they so should be creating a quality program about what Jersey people are clearly superior at, being shitty drivers! NJ came in 2nd behind New York on GMAC’s report, one that doesn’t exactly measure how many accidents or violations we’ve had, but merely a survey of driving knowledge. The website WalletPop cites from the study that “nearly 1 in 5 licensed drivers — roughly 38 million Americans — would not pass a written drivers test exam if taken today.” So, before the rest of you go getting all braggadocios, it’s not just us Tri-State area folks who are complete maniacs on the road!

Whoa, I Wasn’t Searching For All That!

I was simply on a search for some nostalgia on the old Menlo Park Cinema in Edison, New Jersey when a completely unrelated and unexpected result appeared. This wasn’t really what I had in mind:

google,edison,new jersey,menlo park,cinema

I can’t think of anything I’d like to see LESS than erotic photos of Thomas Alva Edison, especially on such a credible site such as “Platinum-Celebs.com.”

NJ Band Rapid Fire

This video profile of New Jersey band Rapid Fire comes to you courtesy of Star Ledger videos. Listen to this metal/prog rock band tear it up, but be more in awe that the band members range in age from 14 to 16 years old. Rapid Fire won a contest where they snagged an opening spot at last week’s Bamboozle Festival at The Meadowlands.