The Perfect Age of Rock n Roll Hits ON DEMAND Tomorrow!


The Sexy Armpit has just set up a nice little Friday evening for you. Order some pizza, pour yourself about a half gallon of Jack Daniels, and then pick up your remote control. You’ll merely be a few finger strokes away from finally being able to see the movie I’ve been telling you about for a long time now! Available to you in the comfort of your own butt cheek indented couch is: The Perfect Age of Rock n Roll! You can also go old school and see it in an actual movie theater (Village East Cinema), but either way you’ll be supporting a fine film that’s a favorite of mine and also has connections to New Jersey. For more info and movie theater show times – LIKE it on Facebook! By the way, it’s rated R…for Rock n Roll! (couldn’t resist)

The Perfect Age of Rock n Roll

Rest Stop Dedications: The Retroist

In the new column REST STOP DEDICATIONS we don’t just recommend a website we like, 
we dedicate an entire rest stop to them on The Sexy Armpit Parkway!

The FIRST ever Rest Stop Dedication goes out to our friends at The Retroist!

Sure if you want to read like…news and stuff…you can log on to The Economist, but why would you want to do that when you can have a fun filled trip back in time via The Retroist? The Retroist blog has consistently transported me to places I used to go as a kid and has also brought back a ton of memories. In an overcrowded sea of nostalgia blogs, some of which are rarely updated, The Retroist is perched in the upper echelon of its genre. The site is updated daily with everything from commentary on old commercials, news on the latest nostalgic DVD releases, and they even offer a podcast! Plus, the man behind The Retroist grew up in New Jersey! LIKE The Retroist on Facebook!

Take a look back at some choice selections over at The Retroist involving New Jersey:

Snooki Smurf a.k.a Jersey Smurf


Celebrity Smurfs We’d Like to See was a featured colum last year on Lopez Tonight‘s website. On the list we learned that the only orange Smurf is Jersey Smurf! Let’s hope the fake tanned Snooki/Smurf hybrid doesn’t go off into Smurf village and corrupt Smurfette by taking her out to all the Smurf juice bars. After a night beatin’ up the beat, I can only imagine what kind of a Situation it will be when a sloshed Smurfette smushes some gorilla juice head.

NJ T-Shirt Tuesday 79: Angry Birds in Wildwood!

Angry Birds T-Shirts on the Wildwood Boardwalk

Have you checked yourself into an Angry Birds 12 step program yet? If not, you need to come to terms with your addiction! The widespread fixation with Angry Birds has had millions of people’s fingers attached to their touch screen smart phones as they attempt to slingshot birds into innocent swine. I’ve never even played the game, but it seems like everywhere I look at least one person is playing this damn game. According to Wikipedia, Angry Birds has been downloaded over 300 million times so far combined across all platforms. I haven’t seen this kind of fervor for a video game on a phone since Tetris or Bejeweled. Although I haven’t launched any birds from a virtual slingshot myself, I actually have had the pleasure of flinging wrestlers via the WWE Superstar Slingshot game app. That game is the same concept although instead of birds you can catapult John Cena into Randy Orton. If you’re an Angry Birds obsessed New Jerseyan, the schlocky t-shirts I spotted on the Wildwood Boardwalk are especially for you. Do these tees signal the metaphorical angry bird jumping the shark?

Jersey Devil My Little Pony by Debra “Bee” Rohlfs

Jersey Devil My Little Pony Bee-Chan

Customizing My Little Pony toys is a big thing, and if you don’t believe me just Google it! You will see MLP customs inspired by the likes of Disney, Star Wars, Wizard of Oz, and even Beetlejuice among many others. I had a feeling there might be a custom MLP of The Jersey Devil so I started looking for one recently and discovered a truly kickass version created by artist Debra “Bee” Rohlfs in 2009.

Jersey Devil My Little Pony by Bee-Chan

Exposing it’s ferocious set of spiky fangs, Rohlf’s Jersey Devi is a hairy, horned beast. It’s My Little Pony lineage is barely apparent now. If Falkor the luckdragon from The NeverEnding Story was possessed by Zuul from Ghostbusters this is what it might look like. It’s a brilliant and detailed take on the fabled demon lurking around in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. (All art and photos credited to Debra “Bee-Chan” Rohlfs.)

Jersey Devil by Bee-Chan
Rohlfs aka “Bee-Chan” also has a beautiful original art print of The Jersey Devil 
available via her Deviant Art page. 

WWE RAW World Tour Comes to Wildwood Tomorrow!

WWE Wildwood Poster 7/23
WWE brings their RAW World Tour to the Wildwood Convention Center tomorrow 7/23/11. An awesome intimate venue to watch the superstars of WWE battle it out. One match previously announced is The Miz vs. Alex Riley in a match that will give the fans the chance to choose the stipulation: either falls count anywhere or a street fight. Either one of those options may lead this knock down drag out feud right onto the damn Wildwood boardwalk! I ended another post this week with this, but I’m going to use it again and mix it up a bit…WATCH THE TRAM CAR MIZ! 
Tickets are still available HERE!

Best Boardwalks In The U.S!

Best Boardwalks in U.S
To many of us in Jersey, the boardwalk is not only a big part of our summer, but we have so many memories walking them with our parents and friends. New Jersey is home to 2 of the best boardwalks in the United States according to the list published on National Geographic’s website. Seaside and Point Pleasant didn’t make the list, but Atlantic City nabbed the top spot, and surprisingly, Wildwood came in at number 10. Although I’m biased, it would be totally illogical not to have at least one of NJ’s boardwalks high on the list since we are pretty much known for them. Watch the tram car please! 

Butterbeer Cupcakes For Your Harry Potter Celebration

Butterbeer Cupcakes

If you are one of the lucky Potterheads who has indulged in an actual Butterbeer at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal, you can stand aside and wait your turn for the cupcake version. The Sweet Avenue Bake Shop in Rutherford, NJ was offering these gourmet Harry Potter cupcakes for a limited time. Their Butterbeer cupcake is a “cream soda cake filled with butterscotch syrup and topped with butterscotch frosting and a Hogwart’s House Ring” They look so damn delicious I wish I could just grab one and shove it directly into my stomach to skip all the chewing nonsense and other red tape.

Sweet Avenue Bake Shop NJ

Sweet Avenue is a “gourmet vegan cupcakery” and is 100% dairy, egg, and cholesterol free. Friends and family members have told me that their cupcakes are amazing, but I have yet to try them so it looks like I need to plan a date with some cupcakes. The flavors they offer are creative and aren’t limited to the boring old varieties you’ve had a million times at every birthday party in your life. Sweet Ave. even offered Charlie Sheen cupcakes when he enjoyed his short lived wave of insane popularity.

They sold their last batch of Butterbeer cupcakes on the weekend. I wish I didn’t miss out on them. Looks like I’ll have to sample some of their other flavors such as Blue Hawaiian, Boston Creme, Cotton Candy, Lemon Raspberry, Sangria, Peanut Butter Chip, and the one that will probably be my favorite: Mint Chocolate. They are making my mouth water as we speak. If you’re a Potterhead maybe you can help me conjure up a spell to bring these Butterbeer cupcakes back?

Sweet Avenue Bake Shop
153 Park Avenue
Rutherford, NJ 07070

CM Punk’s Soul Bounces As He Ascends To Stardom

CM Punk Introduces New Jersey’s Bouncing Souls in Chicago

It’s amazing what a little bit of creativity and simplicity can do for the wrestling business. For the past couple of weeks CM Punk has lit up the pro wrestling world with his controversial segments on RAW. They are only controversial because he’s pointing out flaws of the state of the WWE when no one else had the balls to. Last night he walked out of WWE’s Money In The Bank Pay Per View in Chicago as the new WWE Champion on his supposed last day with the company, which is a no-no in traditional pro wrestling etiquette.

CM Punk has finally established himself as one of the biggest names in WWE history thanks to his mic work, and ring ability, but it was his overall frustration with the WWE that has already ascended him to legend status. However straight edge Punk fits into the future storyline, if the WWE screws it up, then that will deflate the gigantic fiery ball of heat Punk built for himself. In the past several years I’ve lost so much faith in the writing and creative teams in WWE that I have very little left, so I’m hoping they prove me wrong. They have put on excellent shows these last few weeks so I hope the momentum continues.


Chicago may be CM Punk’s hometown, but one of his favorite bands is from New Brunswick, New Jersey. Icons of the New Jersey punk scene, The Bouncing Souls have been together since 1987. CM Punk has made it known that he’s a huge fan, via his Twitter account, and going so far as to tattoo one of their logos on him. Punk has even used 2 Bouncing Souls tracks as his entrance themes “Night Train” and “Ole!”

Check out The Bouncing Souls official site and their label Chunksaah Records
