April “AJ” Lee Is November’s Garden State Playmate!

“Growing up this New Jersey native faced multiple hardships, overcoming extreme poverty and even homelessness. But through it all, she never lost sight of her lifelong goal to thrive as a Diva in WWE.” 

In a strange twist, November’s Garden State Playmate was actually once known as Miss April early in her career. Some personalities in pro wrestling wind up changing their names more than they change their ring attire, but in AJ Lee’s case it has only signified her ascent to stardom. For those WWE fans out there you know her simply as A.J, the cute and energetic diva from Union City, New Jersey.


Unlike many of the WWE Divas who have won contests or were simply models plucked off a magazine page, AJ has worked hard to climb the pro wrestling ladder. As Miss April she started out in New Jersey’s female indy promotion, WSU. Not too long after that she signed with Florida Championship Wrestling, WWE’s developmental company. From there, now known as A.J, she made it to WWE’s NXT show and presently she can be seen on Friday Night Smackdown in tag team action as The Chickbusters with fellow Diva, Kaitlyn.


AJ, a Pisces, is constantly described as a comic book and video game lover. She was trained by her ex boyfriend, a Sexy Armpit favorite, New Jersey’s own Jay Lethal! Her fast, high flying style is “inspired by the likes of Rey Mysterio, Macho Man Randy Savage, and WWE Hall of Famer Ricky The Dragon Steamboat…” according to her bio on WWE.com. I’m sure you’ll be seeing and hearing a lot more from AJ as WWE seems to be working her into bigger storylines. On a recent episode of Smackdown it was hinted that her character may have a thing for another indy favorite who made it big, Daniel Bryan.

Steel Panther’s Stix Zadinia, A Jersey Drummer!

Steel Panther are the Viagra addicted, horny hair metal sons of Spinal Tap. The band has been on a tear since 2003’s Hole Patrol, and 2009’s Feel The Steel. Just a  few weeks ago Steel Panther released their latest album BALLS OUT available through iTunes, Amazon or wherever you BUY music. Don’t illegally download this album because these m’fers need the money. Especially Stix cause he’s obviously been in therapy ever since missing out on the chance of drumming for Bon Jovi. Read all about the Jersey drummer in his bio pictured above that appeared in  Feel The Steel‘s CD booklet.

Bam Bam vs. Bundy: The Battle For New Jersey!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyjgEJNePLA?rel=0]

It doesn’t get more JERSEY than this classic WWF match-up! Asbury Park vs. Atlantic City! The Beast from the East vs. The Walking Condominium! Listen for Jesse “The Body” Ventura on commentary talking about how both of these guys hail from New Jersey early on in the match. It’s amazing that The Garden State is responsible for two of the most popular big men the business has ever seen. I remember watching this on TV when I was a kid and thinking it should’ve been on a Pay Per View. Even then I was a critic! I remember being excited for Bam Bam stealing the win even though it might have been the fastest count ever. Thanks to YouTube user VinceThePinch for posting the match!

Metal Day in the NJ 11-11-11

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FoN3S4-JsU?rel=0]
“Barry Manilow you better cover your ears…”

In honor of METAL DAY, here are a few items from around the Internet that help illustrate New Jersey’s prominence as one of the most METAL states in America. Check these out! m/m/

– I found this classic clip from News 4 New York on YouTube that features interviews with employees and shoppers at Rock n Roll Heaven, a legendary music store in Clark, NJ. Reporter Anna Bond asks the folks in the store about the appeal of heavy metal with the underlying spin of metal being “the devil’s music.” The nightly news hasn’t changed much. Thanks to YouTube user playmobilfriends for posting the video!

– Read Newark Metal Music Examiner writer Scott Boutsikaris’ memories of Rock n Roll Heaven record store!

– Back in January 2009, the website Metal Injection did an awesome post on The State of METAL music in New Jersey. Some of the most popular metal bands from the Garden State are discussed in the article including The Dillinger Escape Plan, God Forbid, Monster Magnet, Overkill, and they also included The Misfits for their far reaching influence over rock and metal.

– Also, keep on the lookout for young and relentless NJ metal heads Rapid Fire: http://www.reverbnation.com/rapidxfire

The Sexy Armpit Turns 8!

Sexy Armpit Cake

After existing for 8 years, many blogs get a million hits a day. I must be doing something severely wrong. Oh yeah…I’m talking about insignificant New Jersey trivia. If you’re an avid visitor to the site or simply a casual reader, I appreciate your support immensely. Most bloggers don’t get paid and they continue because they enjoy it and we’re no different here. We receive no compensation or donations, but you can pay us in recommendations to your friends, spreading links to our posts, and of course, if you haven’t done so already:

Holy Bat-Weekend!

If you haven’t had your fill of comic cons and pop culture conventions this year, you can take a ride to Teaneck, NJ this weekend for the NJ Comic Expo. It’s a great chance to pick up holiday gifts for the geek in your family. There will be tables filled with comics, collectibles, and other cool stuff. Also on hand will be comic artists and special guests.
On Saturday night to coincide with this “bat-vention,” you can attend a special showing of the 1966 Batman film at the Loews Jersey Theater at Journal Square in Jersey City, NJ. http://loewsjersey.org/

*In other Bat-news: New Jersey’s Ledger Live on NJ.com interviewed The Sexy Armpit about our theory that Batman’s Gotham City is actually New Jersey, not New York City!

11/12 and 11/13
Teaneck Armory
1799 Teaneck Road
Teaneck NJ 07666

NJ T-Shirt Tuesday 88: True Jersey


It’s a crime that it’s taken 88 Jersey related t-shirt posts for me to write about True Jersey. It’s true that I’ve seen their t-shirt and sticker designs in the past, but I wasn’t fully acquainted with their company until recently. Much like The Sexy Armpit, True Jersey started well before MTV’s Jersey Shore and as you can see in the pic above that I compiled from pics off their site, they offer some of the coolest Jersey stuff available.

The company started out as a small operation in “spare rooms and garages,” and eventually moved their printing operation into a space in Belmar NJ. Presently, in addition to the Belmar location, they have a new shop in Toms River, NJ.

Their products are made by Jersey people and reflect the Garden State culture so you know it’s 100% bonafide Jersey. This is a company who is proud of their roots and create products that express that. It’s not like you are getting some t-shirt made in Taiwan that has the word “Situation” slapped on it. In the True Jersey shop you will find all original designs on high quality tees, hats, stickers, skate decks, and art prints.

You must be thinking to yourself, how much free crap did these True Jersey folks give to me to write this? Actually none…but they should! HA! Seriously, I bought a pretty damn sharp pinstriped New Jersey hat from them recently and I’m eagerly looking forward to a trip to their new store soon. One thing is for sure, True Jersey shares the same sentiments that The Sexy Armpit has been living by for nearly 8 years and it’s at the top of their F.A.Q page: “…occasionally poking fun at our own flaws. It’s what Jersey is about.”

LIKE them on Facebook

The Sexy Armpit Theme Song Is Soooo Sexy!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dRQklumuRI?rel=0]
Lipstick and Cigarettes Premiered The Sexy Armpit Theme Song LIVE on 11/4!

If asking a band to write a theme song for you sounds like an egotistical stunt, it probably is. But in the case of The Sexy Armpit, we needed an original theme for the intro of our upcoming YouTube show.  I had a very specific sound in mind and when I approached one of our favorite NJ bands, Lipstick and Cigarettes, during one of their rehearsals (wearing a ski mask and a gun in hand), first they were alarmed, but they grew very receptive to my scheme.

Lipstick and Cigarettes played a show at Frankensound Studios in North Brunswick on Friday night November 4th and they mentioned that they would have a little surprise in store for us. As a little preview to the final recording, L and C premiered The Sexy Armpit Theme Song LIVE! Check out the video above!

Batman, A Jersey Boy?: The Sexy Armpit on Star Ledger Live!

Check out this awesome article from Brian Donohue that gives us a phenomenal shout out!

Although I don’t wear a cape (well…not on a daily basis, but probably bi-monthly), I AM on a crusade so I guess that would make me a sort of occasional caped crusader. If you are a frequent visitor to The Sexy Armpit you already know that my goal is not to rid the Jersey streets of crime and supervillains, but to bring to light New Jersey pop culture.

Previously on the site, I’ve written about my stance that Batman’s Gotham City is actually in New Jersey. After seeing my article and realizing that The Dark Knight rises would be filming in Newark, Brian Donohue, the host and reporter of Star Ledger/NJ.com’s Ledger Live online show, asked me if I’d be interested in being a guest on the show to defend my case.

Brian and his Ledger Live show along with other members of The Star Ledger and NJ.com have put together an incredible barrage of coverage on this awesome pop culture moment in NJ history. I never thought we’d be lucky enough to have the Batman franchise film mere miles away from Sexy Armpit Headquarters! And to think that my best friend Frank and I used to pretend our basements were our batcaves and we fought imaginary villains all over the neighborhood! 20 some odd years later, it’s official! After the Dark Knight Rises in summer 2012, Newark will forever be connected with Batman and Gotham City.

Being on The Ledger Live show was a lot of fun and I was able to take a little tour of The Star Ledger which is a New Jersey media institution. A big thanks to Brian and Bumper from Ledger Live for having me on! I am very appreciative that after 8 years of working on this site that The Sexy Armpit has been recognized as the best NJ Pop Culture blog!

Photos from the filming in Newark courtesy of NJ.com:

Gotham City Subway map:

Further video from The Dark Knight film shoot:

NJ Hosting 2013 Grand Prix

News broke last week that Formula 1 will be holding their 2013 Grand Prix race in Weehawken, NJ. This tidbit definitely deserved a post, but with Halloween and all the events going on at The Sexy Armpit in the last week, I haven’t had much of a chance to sit and write posts about car racing. My Halloween observance is serious business so I was glad to see that our friend from NJ.com, Brian Donohue, compiled an excellent installment of his show Ledger Live about the auto race. Let’s turn it over to Brian who will take you for a scenic skyline tour of the race route.

Check out Ledger Live with Brian Donohue, the lucky devil who has my dream job:
And follow him on Twitter!